The Angels Have Been at Work!

PICT0344This absolutely gorgeous Christmas lap quilt is a surprise gift from the gals at Mentoring Moms made by Susan Davies, mother-in-law of Karen Davies a mentored mom.  I feel so special!  This is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen, and I am now the proud owner.  I just had to share with you all how honored I feel.  Need I say more?

I also received an anonymous gift, a huge box of Christmas Day goodies, sour cream coffee cake, Artisan Bread, Cheese, Olives, Sausage, and more!  I am so blessed!  Thanks to all you wonderful angels who have been so hard at work.



  1. Thank you, Marilyn! I am so glad you like it. We are blessed by you every month and we wanted to thank you! You are awesome!!
    Love, Karen

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